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Doctor's Caucus Press Releases

ICYMI: GOP Doctors Caucus Members Discuss Priorities to Empower Patients and Physicians, Promote Preventive Health

On Friday, members of the GOP Doctors Caucus highlighted a variety of health care priorities and legislation to make America the healthiest nation on the planet. They discussed House-passed legislation to put patients first, make it easier for Americans to understand, access, and pay for preventative health care screenings and services, cut red tape to allow rural hospitals and independent physicians to stay open so they can serve patients, and focus on fully enforcing existing price transparency laws. 

To be successful when it comes to American health policy, the GOP Doctors Caucus is focused on the value of a healthy human life and championing healthcare solutions focused on prevention, early diagnosis and treatment, and cures that benefit the good health of every American.

"Success is being as healthy as possible. We will start by teaching health and nutrition to our children. We will reform and reinstate the President's Physical Fitness Program with provisions for those with disabilities. We will ensure that the next generation has the education required to understand the benefit of taking ownership over their health, from exercise to healthier eating. Access to caregivers, preventive medicine, the implementation of your care, and affordability of your care are all keys to our health policies for you and your family. We can continue to be the world leader in new innovations, treatments, and cures and get them in your hands sooner,said GOP Doctors Caucus co-chairs.

GOP Doctors Caucus co-chair Dr. Brad Wenstrup, D.P.M. (R-OH) gives an overview of the GOP Doctors Caucus priorities and plan for making America healthy and strong. 

GOP Doctors Caucus co-chair Dr. Michael Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) talked about the House-passed Preventative Health Savings Act and difficulties with how the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) scores health bills.

GOP Doctors Caucus co-chair Dr. Greg Murphy, M.D. (R-NC) discussed the urgent need to update the physician fee schedule so that physicians stay in the workforce and Medicare patients do not lose access to care. 

Dr. Larry Bucshon, M.D. (R-IN) discussed legislation to repair the prior authorization process.

Dr. John Joyce, M.D. (R-PA) discussed cuts to the physician fee schedule and the impact to Medicare patients, particularly in rural America.

Pharmacist Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) talked about PBMs, price transparency, telehealth, and the need for the Senate to take up the House-passed Lower Costs, More Transparency Act.

Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, M.D. (R-IA) spoke about the need for a proactive approach to health care policy and several House bills that address prevention and put patients first.

Dr. Rich McCormick, M.D. (R-GA) discussed how continued cuts to physician pay are contributing to physician shortages and causing consolidation, where hospitals and PBMs make record profits and physicians are unable to afford to practice medicine.

Rep. Diana Harshbarger, PharmD (R-TN) spoke about the need for Congress to look at health care in a holistic and dynamic way, embracing a personalized care arrangement that focuses on keeping Americans healthy. 
