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House Votes to Balance the Federal Budget

Senate Opts to Not Pass a Budget in 2014

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Thursday, the House of Representatives passed a budget resolution for fiscal year 2015, laying out a spending framework that would balance the federal budget in ten years. Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) voted for the budget resolution, pointing to provisions that preserve Medicare and Social Security and reject President Obama’s cuts to national security.

“This budget begins to unburden future generations from the tyranny of debt that we’re continuing to accumulate every year,” Wenstrup said. “In the House, we’re having a responsible conversation about the future. It’s a shame the Senate refuses to take similar action to address our fiscal realities.”

Wenstrup also pointed to the cost of the accruing debt, noting that “last year alone, we paid $221 billion in interest payments on our debt. We could build one hundred new Brent Spence Bridges with that money!”

A number of other budget proposals failed during debate. When President Obama’s budget was offered, it received two votes. The Senate indicated it would not consider a budget for fiscal year 2015, the fourth time in recent years.


Office of Representative Brad Wenstrup