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Wenstrup Works to Secure Savings in Federal Funding

As Appropriations Begins, Wenstrup Moves to Cut Costs

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, the U.S. House of Representatives began the appropriations process to fund the federal government for fiscal year 2015. Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), in his first term, is already making moves to end wasteful spending.

In an amendment that passed the House Thursday morning, Wenstrup moved to end the delivery of Congressional Daily Calendars, saving nearly $200,000 and over 5 million printed pages a year. Wenstrup noted that the paper calendars were a holdover from the pre-internet days and are easily accessible online.

“When I worked in the private sector, we couldn’t afford even the smallest waste, and the federal government cannot blindly waste taxpayer dollars,” Wenstrup said after the vote. “Ohioans expect better, and I will continue working to end needless and costly practices.”

This week, the House passed bills to fund the Department of Veterans Affairs, military construction projects, and the legislative branch. The legislation increased funding for veterans programs by $1.5 billion to help address the VA claims backlog while lowering spending overall and continuing to freeze the pay for U.S. Representatives. Since taking the majority in 2011, House Republicans have cut their own budget by 14 percent.


Office of Representative Brad Wenstrup