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Defense & National Security

POLITICO Pro Q&A: Rep. Brad Wenstrup

Brad Wenstrup is just wrapping up his second term in the House, but he's quickly emerged as one of the chief critics of the Obama administration's push to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. For the Republican congressman from Ohio whowas posted with the Army at Abu Ghraib priso...

NDAA Increases the Strength of our Armed Forces

Today, the House of Representatives passed the 56th National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017. Passing this bill is vital to fund our troops and ensure the strength of our military. The NDAA includes a full 2.1% pay raise for our troops, stops the drawdown of our military and improves...

Wenstrup Statement on Passage of NDAA

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Brad Wenstrup (OH-2) released the following statement on the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for FY2017: “Passing the NDAA is vital to ensuring the strength and readiness of our armed forces. This bill authorizes funding for operations in Iraq, Afghan...

Wenstrup Statement on FBI Clinton Investigation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Brad Wenstrup (OH-2) released the following statement regarding the FBI re-opening its investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails: “Never has a person this close to the office of the Presidency displayed this level of unprecedented irresponsi...

Wenstrup Requests Public Briefing on DNC Hack

Congressman Brad Wenstrup (OH-2), a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), has sent a letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper requesting a public briefing about cyberattacks on the Democratic National Committee (DNC). On July 22, 2016, Wikileaks, a ...

Wenstrup Votes to Halt GITMO Transfers

Today Congressman Brad Wenstrup (OH-2), a member of the House Armed Services Committee and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, voted in favor of H.R. 5351, a bill sponsored by Congresswoman Jackie Walorski that would prohibit all detainee transfers from the Guantanamo Bay detention...