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Budget & Spending

Rep. Wenstrup Op-ed: Introducing a Responsible, Balanced Budget

By Rep. Brad Wenstrup This week, House Republicans introduced a responsible federal budget. It is a plan to make the cuts and reforms needed to balance our budget in 10 years, which will foster a healthier economy and create jobs. Senate Democrats released their budget this week too, and it provides...

Rep. Brad Wenstrup comments on Continuing Resolution

For Immediate Release Contact: Rian Beckham March 6, 2013 202.225.3164 REPRESENTATIVE BRAD WENSTRUP COMMENTS ON THE CONTINUING RESOLUTION Washington, D.C. – Rep. Brad Wenstrup (OH-02) issued the following statement regarding the passage of the continuing resolution: Passage of today’s “continuing r...

Wenstrup Supports “No Budget, No Pay”

For Immediate Release Contact: Derek Harley January 23, 2013 202.225.3164 Representative Brad Wenstrup released the following statement today on the “No Budget, No Pay” Act: “As a result of out-of-control spending and borrowing that occurred under both parties before I came to Congress, America is f...