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Rep. Brad Wenstrup comments on Continuing Resolution

For Immediate Release                                                                          Contact:  Rian Beckham

March 6, 2013                                                                                                   202.225.3164


Washington, D.C. – Rep. Brad Wenstrup (OH-02) issued the following statement regarding the passage of the continuing resolution:

Passage of today’s “continuing resolution” to fund operations of the government represents the next step in our strategy to cut spending and balance the budget. While not a perfect bill, it builds on the progress the House made earlier this session when we passed legislation to force the Senate to pass a budget for the first time in 4 years through the “No Budget, No Pay Act.” It preserves the spending cuts put in place under the sequester and thereby decreases discretionary spending below last year’s level, while maintaining our national security. That is a success on behalf of the American people.

The bill also squeezes funding needed by the Administration for the implementation of Obamacare. As your Representative, I want to go much further and repeal this law. As a doctor, I know it is terrible policy. That is why one of my first actions in Congress was to co-sponsor H.R. 45, a bill to fully repeal Obamacare.

We are achieving these successes in the face of determined opposition from a President and a Democrat-controlled Senate who are fighting fiercely to continue their policies of borrowing, spending, and taxing. In our next step, the House will pass a budget resolution that proposes reforms to tackle the real drivers of our deficits and debt – entitlement programs – and balances the budget in 10 years. 

Our nation’s problems are urgent, and they call for immediate and major reforms. The House is prepared to act. We need a Senate and a President who are prepared to join us.


Office of Congressman Brad Wenstrup