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Representative Brad Wenstrup Supports “Path to Prosperity” Balanced Budget Plan

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Brad Wenstrup (OH-02) issued the following statement today regarding the FY14 House Budget Resolution:

Today, Republicans passed a plan to cut spending and balance our budget in ten years. It would also repeal Obamacare, reform our broken tax code, increase energy exploration, and strengthen our entitlement programs, all without raising taxes. This budget will put the economy back on the path to recovery and create jobs.

I believe we can and should act even more quickly, and supported the Republican Study Committee (RSC) alternative budget, which was offered as an amendment. This alternative plan would balance the budget in just four years. That plan did not pass.

The House Republican budget advances the kinds of common sense cuts and spending reforms that must be made to preserve the American dream for future generations. I was pleased to support it, and move us forward on the critical goals of stopping reckless spending, addressing our debt, and balancing our budget.

In contrast, the Senate Democrats’ budget continues tired Washington tax-and-spend policies by raising taxes to the tune of $1.5 trillion and never balancing – ever. We still have not seen the president’s budget, which is late for the fourth time in five years.

We cannot continue to borrow and spend at the expense of our children and grandchildren. We are stealing from the future, and failing to live up to our responsibility to pass along to the next generation an America that is stronger and more prosperous than the America that was bestowed to us. House Republicans are leading. We are serious about tackling these urgent problems. It is time for the president and Senate Democrats to join us.
