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Secretary Perry in OH2 (in photos)

Friend, Last week, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry joined Senator Rob Portman, Rep. Bill Johnson, and me, as well as many of the hardworking men and women at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant and the ongoing cleanup operation in Piketon, OH. Earlier this year, I led the Ohio delegation in sendin...

Wenstrup & Johnson Comment on Piketon Funding in Senate CR

Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, the Senate Appropriations Committee released the text of a short-term continuing resolution (CR) that would fund government operations until December 9. If enacted, the bill would provide funding allowing decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) work at the Portsmouth ...

Wenstrup Initiative to Hold DOE Accountable Passes House

Congressman Brad Wenstrup (OH-2), who represents workers at the American Centrifuge Project (ACP) in Piketon, included a provision in this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) requiring a 3rdparty assessment of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) recent report on domestic uranium enrichment...

A Thank You to Piketon

Thank you. Thank you to all the hard working employees who have labored over the years on securing our nation’s uranium enrichment independence. The project has had different names across different decades, but the mission never changed: supply America with a domestically owned source of enriched ur...

Wenstrup: DOE Abandons our Nuclear Capabilities

Despite repeated efforts to fund the American Centrifuge Project, the Department of Energy has decided to go against Congress and not spend the funds allocated for the program. Congressman Brad Wenstrup, who represents the current site and workforce, called the move a long term national security con...

Wenstrup Blasts Obama’s “Nuclear Negligence”

On the day President Obama released the final budget proposal of his presidency, the administration continues to propose no funding to preserve the American Centrifuge Project capabilities in Piketon, Ohio. “In his final year, President Obama shows his true colors by shunning our nation’s nuclear se...

Congressmen Press Department of Energy on ACP Funding

After passing legislation to fully fund the American Centrifuge Project in December, Congressmen representing Southern Ohio are now pressing the Department of Energy to spend the appropriated funds to keep the project on track. Congressman Brad Wenstrup, joined by Bill Johnson and Senator Rob Portma...