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With New EPA Carbon Rules, Wenstrup Warns of Higher Costs

Fears Regulations Will Hurt Manufacturing Advantage

Washington, June 3, 2014 | Greg Brooks ((202) 225-3164)
Tags: Energy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As the Environmental Protection Agency proposed sweeping new rules to regulate energy production Monday, Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) warned that the unilateral move from the Obama administration will hurt Ohio manufacturers’ ability to compete globally and directly impact Ohioans’ pocketbooks.

“America’s natural energy supplies create an enormous economic advantage for our nation,” Wenstrup declared. “Restricting our access to low-cost energy drives up the monthly energy bill for families and hampers job growth for American manufacturers and American workers.”

The US Chamber of Congress noted the new EPA regulations would cost the American economy an average of $50 billion a year through 2030. Wenstrup argues that these costs will come right out of the wallets of Ohio consumers. 

“There are common sense steps we can take to be environmentally conscious,” Wenstrup noted, “but I am worried that Ohio families and manufacturers simply cannot afford soaring energy costs due to excessive government regulations.” He added that “while the US is already a leader in environmental stewardship, this unilateral action has only a modest impact globally while devastating American competitiveness in the world market.”

House Republicans passed legislation in March that would promote energy affordability and require new energy regulations be approved by Congress, but the Senate has not acted on the bill.


Office of Representative Brad Wenstrup