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Budget & Spending

Conservative Reforms Define House-Passed Funding Bill

With federal government funding set to expire at midnight on Thursday, the House of Representatives passed legislation with significant reforms to keep the government open through next September. While Representative Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) was disappointed Congress and the public did not have more tim...

Wenstrup Delivers Weekly Republican Address

In the Weekly Republican Address, Representative Brad Wenstrup highlights the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline in the House and more solutions Republicans are proposing to boost the economy and hold the Obama administration accountable. You deserve a government that doesn’t just ‘hear you,’ but ...

Wenstrup to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address

Representative Brad Wenstrup (OH-R) was selected by Speaker John Boehner (OH-R) to deliver the Weekly Republican Address on Saturday, November 15. His address will focus on Republicans’ commitment to honor the American people’s trust by focusing first on jobs and the economy. “Anytime you get the ch...

The Truth About Lifeline

Recently, an outside advocacy group began an automated “robocall” campaign in Southern Ohio to encourage residents to call me to “prevent Congress from turning off the Lifeline program for our veterans.” I received this phone call and so did many of my friends and neighbors. While their website does...

Wenstrup Comments on Continuing Resolution

Washington, D.C. – This week, the House passed a continuing resolution (CR) that funds federal government operations at current year levels until December 11, 2014. Rep. Brad Wenstrup (OH-2) released the following statement about the bill- “I am disappointed that we are once again forced to pass a c...

Wenstrup Works to Secure Savings in Federal Funding

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, the U.S. House of Representatives began the appropriations process to fund the federal government for fiscal year 2015. Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), in his first term, is already making moves to end wasteful spending. In an amendment that passed the House Thursday...

Lawmaker Tries to Nix Printing of Congressional Calendar

Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, wants to kill the congressional calendar. But it’s not what might you think. The congressional calendar is a document, often about 100 pages long, that details Congress’ current legislative activities – including a list of every bill that’s pending in the House and Senate...

House Votes to Balance the Federal Budget

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Thursday, the House of Representatives passed a budget resolution for fiscal year 2015, laying out a spending framework that would balance the federal budget in ten years. Congressman Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) voted for the budget resolution, pointing to provisions that preserve Medica...

Wenstrup Calls Continued Deficit Spending “Unsustainable”

Tuesday evening, the House of Representatives voted to again raise the federal debt ceiling, allowing the nation to borrow for another year and adding to the existing $17.3 trillion national debt. Congressman Brad Wenstrup (OH-2) voted against the debt ceiling increase. “This would be unsustainable ...

Wenstrup: “I Came to Washington to Cut Spending”

Opposing the budget deal that passed the House Thursday night, Congressman Brad Wenstrup made the following statement: “It’s encouraging to see the effort for certainty in Washington, and I applaud Paul Ryan’s good faith efforts to work towards deficit reduction without raising taxes on hard working...