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Budget & Spending

Wenstrup: Senate Deal Doesn’t Measure Up

Representative Brad Wenstrup released the following statement on the continuing resolution coming out of the Senate: "Today's legislation doesn’t address our nation's long-term spending problem and doesn’t fix the serious and fundamental problems within Obamacare. Both have negative consequences for...

Washington Needs to Talk

Wenstrup Talks Shutdown Portsmouth Daily Times “We’re just trying to sit down and have a conversation,” Wenstrup said. “What I get from my constituents, even those that may benefit from the Affordable Care Act, what they don’t like is that there are exemptions and waivers and special subsidies, esp...

House Continues To Pass Legislation Funding Government Operations

Today, the House of Representatives continued to pass legislation to fund and reopen the federal government. After being defeated by Democrat votes on Tuesday, the House was able to pass a bill to fully fund federal veterans’ programs as well as a bill to fund military Reserve and National Guard pro...

Operations for Rep. Wenstrup’s Office During Funding Lapse

Representative Brad Wenstrup released the following statement upon the Senate’s failure to pass legislation to continue funding the government: “The fact that we have reached this point is a failure of leadership. I am disappointed by President Obama and Harry Reid’s refusal to negotiate in good fai...

Wenstrup Votes to Keep Govt. Open, Delay Obamacare One Year

Two days ahead of a possible lapse in federal appropriations, Representative Brad Wenstrup and the House again passed legislation to keep the government funded and avoid any slowdown in federal activities. The House-passed continuing resolution included provisions to delay all parts of the Affordabl...

Wenstrup Renews Effort to Defund Obamacare, Keep Government Open

This Friday, the House of Representatives voted to keep the federal government open while defunding President Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA). If passed and signed into law, the resolution would fund the government through the end of 2013 while permanently defunding the ACA, also known as Obamacar...

A Budget Update

Did you know that you owe $53,500 towards the national debt? That's a pretty scary figure ... and even more so given that the average Ohioan makes just $45,750 a year. American Exceptionalism is founded on more freedom and empowering every citizen with the opportunity to achieve their own American D...

Wenstrup Votes Against Politics as Usual in Washington

Friday, Representative Wenstrup voted against politics as usual in Washington and to hold the Obama administration responsible for playing politics with American air travel. "For months, President Obama and his cabinet have insisted on playing politics with deficit reduction instead of seeking real ...